Monday, May 24, 2010

to my dearest MR. Pipes

A few months ago and man pulled up and yelled at me to “go home”. This was strange. How can I go home when clearly I am already home. If this same man had yelled at me 2 years ago I would have jumped at the opportunity to set him strait. Throughout my life I have heard it all. My brother was called a “sand nigger” my sister had her hijjab torn off her head. I am sure I will see more. When I was younger I was angry toward these people. Now I feel pity for these people who are filled with nothing but hate. I used to get angry. I used to yell and scream and cry. I did it all. I would go home and write slam poetry about how mad I was. I recently have stopped being mad. I no longer cry or scream. Now the only thing I feel towards the people like Daniel Pipes is pity. So MR. Pipes this letter is for you

Dear Mr. Pipes.
For a long time you did you job very well. I cried when I would read your blog. I hated how you twisted the words spoken by Muslims. I hated how you took Quran verses out of context to fit your agenda. I remember that I once felt sick after I read one blog you had. Do you not realize the hate you are planting inside the people of America? Do you not realize that you are a terrorist? You may laugh at my use of the word but lets look it up. Terrorism, “a person who terrorizes or frightens others.” you frighten me. You cause me to fear not only for my life but for the life of my Muslim brothers and sisters all over America. You allow people to feed off ignorance in order to make yourself more popular. You have no conscious objection to the outcomes your words might cause. You have claimed a million and one times that you do not “hate”Muslims. You say you are not targeting Islam. You my friend are a liar. You move like a snake. You twist and turn until the person you are interviewing becomes confused. Once you have them, they are like putty in your hands. You can have them say anything you want them to.
You used to make me mad. However I just wanted you to know that I am not mad anymore. I no longer care what you say. Go ahead and spread all the lies and hate you would like to. Feel free to write blogs that induces ignorant people to continue to live in bliss. Feel free to impose on my rights and a free American to make yourself feel better. I understand, Your confused. You must be very upset that Muslim in America no longer care about what you have to say. You are probably wondering why we are ignoring you. Well I feel you in on a little secret.
In Sura Al-Kafirun Allah tells us “Say: O you who reject faith. I worship not that which you worship. Nor will you worship that which I worship. And I will not worship that which you have been wont to worship. Nor will you worship that which I worship. To you be your way, and me mine.”
So feel free Mr. Pipes to talk and talk and talk. You have failed at your job. You have not shaken my foundation. You have not made me second guess my life dissensions. I live my life simply and happily. Do you live your life that way? you may say if I am wrong that I will have lived a life as a Muslim for nothing. and to you I say, that is wrong. I lived a life loving my brothers and sister. I lived a life where helping those in need was a top priority. I was modest and I held my head high. I was married to the man I love. I went to school and got good grades. No, I will not live a life that will later be regretting. can you say the same my dear friend?
And now I speak to the Muslim in America. We owe no explanation or apology. I was not a part of the september 11th attack. I never spoke against my American brothers and sisters. So, why should I apologies? I have done nothing to harm this country. The people who did harm this country were not Muslims. They were ignorant angry people who committed a horrible crime and they will have to answer to God. But you Daniel Pipes, you are not God. I do not owe you anything except for my pity. One day soon I hope that you feel what I feel. I hope one day your heart opens and you understand our religion for what it is. One day I hope you can be as free as I am.

Dear Mr. Pipes. Please feel free to judge me. Feel free to ask me hard questions. I am no longer scared of you. I no longer care about the lies you spread. Go ahead and profile me. I don't mind the stares or whispers. The more you lie the more Americans have questions. I will be waiting here with a smile, ready to answer the questions you have sparked. So Mr. Pipes thank you.

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